Monday, July 26, 2010

stomaheat-book syndrome (when book started to make you looks pathetic)

"i hate when those books starting to make kinda heat on my stomach,"

have you ever heard about stomaheat-book syndrome? i bet you haven't because that name is actually made by me HAHA. -_-
okay, let's change the question. when you read some books, which tell about love story, a good one, then you feel like there is a heat on your stomach, and being mellow and sad and envy and freaking fall in love (baca : kasmaran) at the same time all of sudden? just because the boy on the story tells the girl that he loves her, and you feel like whom he told is YOU? then you think that the boy, the girl, and the all of story is true? you think that they possibly live somewhere in this REAL world. or the worst, when you read on that part (romantic one) you imagine that the boy is someone whom you love and the girl is you, and everything they will do on next time is actually you and your crush?

be careful, you possibly have that stomaheat syndrome...

-to be continue-

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